Young Prophets Collective Inc.
A Registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit & Reconciling Ministry
YPC is a Methodist/Wesleyan community that is open to people of all faiths and exists to “Equip and empower a global community of young religious leaders who use their prophetic voices for liberation.”
We live out our mission primarily through our leadership development program for young (18-35) LGBTQIA+ people and allies. Participants apply to be part of a cohort of 6-12 people from around the globe and, if accepted, they meet together as part of an intentional community for guided discussions with a facilitator on various topics related to faith and identity.
Each participant develops an original “prophecy project” in which they identify an injustice they’d like to address in their community. They discuss their project with the cohort and facilitator and learn from faith-based activists in various workshops throughout the program. They finish their time with an anointing service and each young prophet is sent on their way to speak and act boldly and compassionately for justice, knowing they have a new community supporting them along the way.
YPC was founded by J.J. Warren in 2021 with the help of Rev. Alyssa Burleson. The day-to-day operations are managed by our Executive Director, J.J. Warren.
Our board members are:
Board Chair: Rev. Alyssa Burleson (She/Her)
Secretary: Kylie Nelson (She/Her)
Rev. Kimberly Scott (She/Her)
Rev. Izzy Alvaran (He/Him)
Gad Maiga (He/Him)
Josh Shaw (He/Him)
Robert Wright, Esq. (He/Him)
J.J. Warren (He/Him)
Applications for our Fall 2023 Cohort are NOW OPEN! Application Deadline: August 31st!
Click here for the application.
To hear more about YPC, signup for our quarterly newsletter.
Church of the Young Prophets
YPC has been discerning how we can continue to support young LGBTQIA+ persons and allies on a more constant basis. We’ve now developed an online community that operates much like a church, but as an intentional space for queer and trans youth and young adults. If you’d like to learn more/access this space, click here to enter—whenever an admin is present, you will be admitted (this is how we work to keep the space safe). We worship together on Saturdays at 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET (U.S.)/6pm Central Europe/7pm East Africa/Midnight in Manila.
Watch this video to learn more about our virtual space:
Click below to hear more about the cohort and “prophecy projects” from one of our alumni!
Our Welcome Statement:
“We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.”