Upcoming Events*
*J.J. is currently based in Vienna, Austria, so most events will be scheduled online. Other arrangements and requests can be made via the “Speaking Request” page.
Reclaiming Church at South Perinton UMC
Years ago when Rev. J.J. Warren was a college student and traveled to preach in churches across Upstate NY, he made a promise to the good people of South Perinton UMC that when they became a reconciling congregation, it didn’t matter where he was, he would find a way to join them and celebrate this accomplishment. And so, years later Rev. J.J. will be flying back from Vienna, Austria, to join South Perinton UMC to celebrate!
Reclaiming Church at First UMC Melrose
Join Rev. J.J. at First UMC in Melrose, MA as they celebrate the church’s anniversary as a reconciling congregation!
Worship with Community of the Young Prophets
Join Young Prophets Collective for discussion-based worship every Saturday at 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET (U.S.) in our virtual church on Gather Town! This new faith community is still in the early stages of emerging and we’re specifically focused on providing a safe, LGBTQIAP+ led worship experience. If you or someone you know would benefit from a space like this, please contact us.
For more information on how to use Gather Town, click here.
Worship with Community of the Young Prophets
Join Young Prophets Collective for discussion-based worship every Saturday at 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET (U.S.) in our virtual church on Gather Town! This new faith community is still in the early stages of emerging and we’re specifically focused on providing a safe, LGBTQIAP+ led worship experience. If you or someone you know would benefit from a space like this, please contact us.
For more information on how to use Gather Town, click here.
Worship with Community of the Young Prophets
Join Young Prophets Collective for discussion-based worship every Saturday at 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET (U.S.) in our virtual church on Gather Town! This new faith community is still in the early stages of emerging and we’re specifically focused on providing a safe, LGBTQIAP+ led worship experience. If you or someone you know would benefit from a space like this, please contact us.
For more information on how to use Gather Town, click here.
Worship with Community of the Young Prophets
Join Young Prophets Collective for discussion-based worship every Saturday at 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET (U.S.) in our virtual church on Gather Town! This new faith community is still in the early stages of emerging and we’re specifically focused on providing a safe, LGBTQIAP+ led worship experience. If you or someone you know would benefit from a space like this, please contact us.
For more information on how to use Gather Town, click here.
Reclaiming Church: Worship at St. Francis
Join J.J. for worship back at St. Francis in the Foothills UMC, followed by a brief book signing. More info and online service here: https://www.stfrancisinthefoothills.org/home
Dare to Care: Community Leader Event
Join 300+ adult leaders from the community: nurses, physicians, pediatricians, educators, mental health professionals, multi-faith clergy, lawyers, politicians, researchers, and gay rights activists. Panel discussion of 5-6 community leaders to talk about what they have seen, share stories of the realities of moral injury for gay teens, and discuss what the challenges are for LGBTQ kids and care providers in Tucson and Arizona.
Attendees will be invited to join the Dare to Care Tucson Community Coalition, a coalition to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ teens, young adults, and their families - committing to safe and supportive emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual care despite future anti-gay legislation passed within Arizona. Parents are also invited to attend. Find moire info on their website: https://www.stfrancisinthefoothills.org/lgbtqia
Queering Faith: Reclaiming Spaces for LGBTQ+ Teens, Young Adults and Allies
Join me back at St. Francis in the Foothills UMC for a regional event with LGBTQ+ young people. Find more information at the website: https://www.stfrancisinthefoothills.org/lgbtqia
Reclaiming Church
Join J.J. for worship at Community of Hope UMC in-person or online! Click here for more information: https://cohmuncie.org/
The UMC of Tomorrow, Today!
Join J.J. at Community of Hope UMC for a keynote presentation on the future of The UMC, followed by a panel discussion with reconciling leaders from around the area. There will be books available for purchase and signing. The time of this event may change. For more information, click here: https://cohmuncie.org/.
Reclaiming Church
Join J.J. at Bozeman UMC for worship. For more information, click here: https://www.bozemanumc.org/.
The UMC of Tomorrow, Today: Embodying an Inclusive Church
If you’re attending the Mountain Sky Annual Conference, join the RMN team and J.J. for lunch and a discussion. Check back for more details.
Reclaiming Church
Day two in the Albany area will feature a sermon by J.J. at Burnt Hills UMC, followed by Capitol Pride in Albany. Stop by Burnt Hill’s booth at Pride to say hi and get a signed copy of Reclaiming Church!
The UMC of Tomorrow, Today!
Join J.J. for an outdoor queer tent revival at Burnt Hills UMC in the Albany area! This event will feature a 30 minute keynote from J.J. about his hopes for future of The UMC as well as a panel discussion with local reconciling leaders on how to continue to make churches in the Albany area and Upper NY Conference more LGBTQ+ affirming and intersectional in our approach to justice. For more the live-stream link, click here: https://youtu.be/eeHNZPnMlY0.
The UMC of Tomorrow, Today!
Join J.J. at FUMC Seneca Falls, the historic site of women’s rights in upstate New York! Check back for more details here and on FUMC SF’s website: http://www.mysfumc.org/.
Reclaiming Church Tour: Davis UMC
Join J.J. at Davis UMC for service at 10 AM PT followed by a time of Question and Response. Copies of Reclaiming Church will be available for purchase and signing.
Reclaiming Church Panel Discussion @ St. Mark's UMC
Join J.J. at St. Mark’s UMC in Sacramento, California, for an afternoon event featuring s keynote address from J.J. followed by a panel discussion on the future of the UMC with Revs. Elizabeth Brick, Motoe Yamada Foor, and Matthew Pearson. Copies of Reclaiming Church will be available for purchase and signing. Event start: 1:00 PT, 4:00 ET.
Reclaiming Church Tour at First Christian Church of Louisville
Join J.J. in Louisville, KY, for worship at 9:00 & 10:30 (10:30 will be live-streamed) at FCC Louisville. Then, stay for dinner and a seminar on his book, Reclaiming Church, from 5-7 PM. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Click here to learn more about FCC Louisville and to access their livestream.
Reclaiming Church Tour at Charlotte First UMC
Join J.J. in person or via live stream in Charlotte, NC! For more details and access to the livestream, visit the church’s website.
Reclaiming Church Tour at Newman UMC
Join J.J. in person as the Reclaiming Church tour heads to Oregon!
Saturday: Regional reconciling gathering
Sunday: J.J. will be preaching at 10 am PDT in person and online.
Learn more at Newman UMC’s website.
Reclaiming Church at First UMC of Seneca Falls
The Reclaiming Church circuit begins again, this time in the home of women’s rights—Seneca Falls, NY. Join J.J. & FUMC Seneca Falls for service at 10 AM followed by a Question and Response after the service.
Reclaiming Church Tour at Christ UMC in Cedar Mill, OR
This event will be completely virtual. Join us for worship on Sunday online!
Reclaiming Church Tour at Rayne Memorial UMC
Join J.J. down south in New Orleans, LA, as the Reclaiming Church tour begins in-person for summer 2021! These events will be hybrid with opportunities to participate in person or online.
Saturday: J.J. will provide a keynote address at a Regional Reconciling Gathering hosted by Rayne, which will be followed by a panel discussion with local reconciling leaders, a Question & Response, and a book signing.
Sunday: Worship is at 8:30 & 11:00 CDT.
You can find more information as well as the livestream links here.
Day of Deconstruction Seminar
Hosted by St. John’s UMC in Memphis, TN. Click here to register and read more!
Reclaiming Church: Day of Deconstruction
Click Here to Register!
About this Event
Whether you're a young queer Christian like me, or someone who has endured decades of Church discrimination, or even someone who hears the word church and just knows deep within your bones that the institution can be better, this day is for you! No matter who we are, we all have ideas and theologies that have been part of our spiritual upbringings--concepts we take for granted that inform our relationship with the Divine, with each other, and with our true selves. It's time we deconstruct these harmful ideas and liberate each other--and the church itself--from a history of spiritual, emotional, and physical trauma.
Based on my new book, Reclaiming Church: A Call to Action for Religious Rejects, this Deconstruction Day will focus on:
1. Naming & deconstructing ideas about God
2. Naming & deconstructing mistranslations and misuses of the Bible
3. Naming & deconstructing our own spiritual/coming out stories
4. Using these tools to actively reclaim church
Whether or not you've read my book, this day will provide an accessible and challenging background for you to begin/continue your process of reclaiming your faith, identity, and church itself!
Reclaiming Church: Lecture & Discussion at St. Paul's
Join J.J. and St. Paul’s UMC in Helena, MT, for a keynote address about his new book, Reclaiming Church, and the role of reconciling churches as we await the postponed General Conference.
Live Pride Service at Christ Church UM
Join J.J. at Christ Church United Methodist in Denver, CO, for a Live Pride service!
Host an Online Seminar!
Your church or group can host any part of J.J.’s live seminar series, Day of Deconstruction. Based on his book, Reclaiming Church: A Call to Action for Religious Rejects, this Day of Deconstruction can focus on:
1. Naming & deconstructing ideas about God
2. Naming & deconstructing mistranslations and misuses of the Bible
3. Naming & deconstructing our own spiritual/coming out stories
4. Using these tools to actively reclaim church & confront racism
Whether or not you've read Reclaiming Church, these seminars can provide an accessible and challenging background for your group to continue the process of reclaiming your faith, identity, and the church itself!